martes, 13 de agosto de 2013


mujer #2 : .porque.... por que mi mama es la tipica señora resandera. catolica, tiene santos de porcelana. ella cree en todas esas pendejadas.

yo solo sentia que... queria que me lo sacaran, sentia asco tenerlo adentro, cuando me lo sacaron, fue como si mi cuerpo descansara no se.... no solo era lo que... HUBIERA sido en mi vida...

sino un malestar fisico.

a veces hablan de de la conexion madre-hijo y... yo sentia como si esa conexion fuera nociva para mi. como si el quisiera.... intoxicarme. infectarme

como si tuviera que morir yo para el poder vivir.... no me parece justo.

mujer # 1 : mi secreto mas vergonzoso es que cuando aborte por segunda vez, el dolor de la succión era mucho... pero rico al mismo tiempo.

2 parejas , ardilla y mujer # 1. ardilla se come a mujer # 2. 

quien es el hombre # 2? alguien feo con una mujer hermosa.

hay un sueño de unos fetos persiguiendo a una abortadora un toque culpable.

mujer 1 o 2 , le habla a su hermanita para que siempre considere el aborto. es muy importante.

un doctor que hace abortos salva vidas afuera de su trabajo. es un heroe.

mujer # 1 se enorgullece de haber abortado por no descuidar sus estudios. o sea que le interesan sus estudios. tal vez tambien viajo al exterior.

ardilla esta con mujer # 1 pero se culea a mujer # 2. una escena es ellos buscando la forma de ausentarse de los demas para irse a culiar.

un man encuentra a otro en un hueco, se cayo trabajando, le pide ayuda. el otro le dice que si, va a buscar ayuda pero como no encuentra, espera y espera, va y le lleva agua y le dice que piensa ir mas lejos por ayuda. se da cuenta que realmente estan muy solos y que sus fantasias sobre matar a otra persona podrian volverse por fin una realidad en esta conveniente situación.

despues de una conversacion larga "...quiero que te vengas adentro.." , el personaje masculino recuerda cuando la excitacion lo hizo embarazar la novia. y tuvo que abortar.

A few weeks ago, a reader emailed me asking if I would write about if and how abortions are taught in medical school. Coincidentally, I recently attended a Women’s Health workshop where we learned how to perform abortions, as well as insert an IUD and take an endometrial biopsy. We learned these three procedures on models of the female anatomy, not on actual patients for our first time.
In case you need a refresher course on contraceptive options, an IUD (stands for intra-uterine device) is a small implantable device that, simply by sitting inside a woman’s uterus, can prevent pregnancy. Practicing IUD insertion, I have to say, was the least fun of the three. We were given a small plastic model of a uterus, and you basically just push the device through the “cervix,” then pull out the little plunger (check out the picture). Practicing on these plastic models was not super useful because, well, real uteruses are not see-through! I imagine IUD insertion is much more difficult in real life, when you can’t really see what you’re doing.

Learning to take an endometrial biopsy on a tomato.
Next, we learned to do an endometrial biopsy, which is a sampling of tissue from the lining of a woman’s uterus. A doctor might perform an endometrial biopsy if s/he was concerned about abnormal cell growth or bleeding from within the uterus. We used tomatoes as models of the uterus – much more realistic since women’s parts generally resemble fruit much more than a piece of clear plastic. For this procedure, you insert a catheter through the cervix/tomato, pull back on the instrument to create a vacuum, and suck up some tissue/tomato seeds so that you can look at them under a microscope.
Finally, we were taught how to perform a surgical abortion, a slightly more complicated procedure than the IUD implantation or the biopsy. We used papayas for our models, which actually do sort of resemble a cervix and a uterus! First you grip the cervix with a clamp, which looks incredibly painful (this is the scissor-like instrument in the picture). According to the doctor, though, most women don’t find it bad as long as local anesthetic is used. Next, you use a series of dilators to coax the cervix open, and then you insert a long tube with suction attached to it. When you release the suction, the contents of the uterus (or papaya seeds) are emptied into the tube. And that’s really all there is to it!

Learning to perform a surgical abortion on a papaya.
I had such a great time learning these procedures, since as you may know, I am thinking about becoming an OB-GYN or Family Med doctor who specializes in Women’s Health. Hopefully I will have the opportunity to learn and practice these procedures on real patients during my rotations in the upcoming year.

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