miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013


somebody said that.... i mean, the truth is : i was born out of a corpse. my mother died before i was born. she killed herself, with poison. it was natural birth. it seemed like the body wanted the baby out. i always felt rejected for not dying with my mother....

(laughter) im kidding

(then she stares at the camera and smile showing us blood and chunks of human meat on her teeth)

- the smell of artificial food. the hormones in meat, the chemicals in procesed meat... transgenic food...
i can smell you from a mile away... it is difficult for me to stand close to you. you smell worst than rotten meat... its disgusting.

- you dont eat jut with your mouth baby... your eyes, the eyes! you eat with your eyes too.
now watch me eat.

-eat this stake and lemme know is you've tasted something like this before.

-i was a normal kid. too bad my parents had these "ideals".... eugenics, nutrition, evolution, natural selection... they took all that very seriously. i was a normal kid...J/K!

-there was this homeless man, all he had was a sleeping bag and a bikecycle. he didnt need money

-la repulsion en mis ojos es la misma en los ojos de ellos, un reflejo del asco

I WAS BORN OUT OF A PIG...... my mother was in coma when se got pregnant with me. i was born out of a woman in a coma, then she died.

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